14th ÇYDD Educational and Cultural Center opened

14th-cydd-educational-and-cultural-center-opened Buca Educational and Cultural Center is the third center opened in İzmir.

14th ÇYDD Educational and Cultural Center opened in Buca


Buca Educational and Cultural Center is the third center opened in İzmir. The building was bought mainly with donations from Osman-Mensure Subaşı who also donated funds for the library and the garden. The center was named after their beloved teacher Zeynep Günöz.

The first activity of the center is the “Support for the contemporary teachers of the future” Project intended for the scholarship students of “Buca Teachers College”. In the Buca educational Center,the teacher candidates will be given seminars on “creative drama”, “effective teaching”, ”psycho-drama group 1-2”, “body language and elocution” and “project cycle management”.
