26th Türkan Saylan Youth Congress Took Place!

26th-turkan-saylan-youth-congress-took-place The 26th Türkan Saylan Youth Congress was held at the Istanbul Tüyap Palas Hotel between June 27-30, with the contributions of Cagdas Yasami Destekleme Dernegi Headquarters and the Contemporary Youth Center Unit.

At the congress, which was also attended by our President Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel and board members, "Contemporary Youth" from all over our country tried to find solutions to the problems of young people through interviews, table workshops and trainings.

Day One: The first day of the congress began with the opening speech of Ali Çolak, the General Facilitator of Contemporary Youth. Then, our President Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel addressed the Contemporary Youth. Afterwards, a talk titled "The Path from Youth to Management" was held with the participation of the first General Facilitator of Contemporary Youth Garip Başakçi, ÇYDD  Board of Directors Alternate Member Responsible for Youth Dicle Altunsoy, Beylikdüzü Branch President Elif San and Antalya Branch President Can Eldeniz. The first day of the congress was concluded with the table workshops held among the participants.

Day Two: On the second day of the congress, Presentation Techniques training was given by Corporate Trainer Işıl Taysever and a talk titled “Freedom of Press and Expression” was held with the participation of Investigative Journalist Timur Soykan. In the ongoing table workshops, important names such as Prof. Dr. Cihan Demirci Tansel, Prof. Dr. Neslihan Özcan, Prof. Dr. Muharrem Balcı, Prof. Dr. Bülent Bayraktar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Melike Torun, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüsniye Dinç, Dr. Aysu Yıldız Karaahmet, Dr. Esma Demirezen, Dr. Sertaç Yakal, Lecturer Fatma Şule Tanrıverdi and Lecturer Sevilay Bardakçı shared their knowledge and experiences with the participants. In addition, a talk and music-poetry recital were held with the participation of Orhan Aydın and Nejat Yavaşoğulları, two of our country’s leading artists.

Day Three: On the third day of the 26th Türkan Saylan Youth Congress, in addition to the table workshops, Müjde Tozbey, the President of the Women and Children Association, gave a speech titled "Women's Struggle Exalts Life." At the end of the day, a general culture competition was held.

Day Four: On the last day of the congress, 26 participants evaluated the 26th Türkan Saylan Youth Congress on the open podium. As a result of the presentations, the "Nutrition Problem" table was awarded the best presentation award. The congress ended with a picnic held in the Kemerburgaz City Forest.
