2nd year in Educ8

2nd-year-in-educ8 2nd year in Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women


Dilhan from Adıyaman (Antalya University- Medicine ,2nd year), Gönül born in Elazığ (İstanbul University - Pyschological Counselling and Guidance,  3rd year), Kesire born in Midyat (Ege University  Psychology, 1st year),Yeşim born in Diyarbakır (Ege University –Bioengineering, 2nd year) and Yağmur born in Ordu (Middle Eastern Technical University- Science Teaching, 3rd year) have returned from New York having completed the Educ8 1 month English immersion program.


The five lucky girls had a full program in New York. They  attended the language school LSI for half a day. But the more important part of the program was the after school hours which they spent with volunteers practicing their English and exploring New York. Each girl was also assigned a volunteer mentor working in their own field and they had a chance to learn and inquire about their future careers.

They explored New York walking and by subway; attended closing session of Nasdaq; visited Google; admired art Works in MoMa and Metropolitan Museums. “Les Miserable” musical was only one of the highlights- they even managed to have a selfie with the leading actor! On the last day of the program, they had a chance to meet with one of the Project sponsors Hamdi Ulukaya in the Chobani offices and listened to his success story from him and were mentioned on his facebook page. All the Project volunteers were together with the girls for a very emotional farewell dinner.

We thank Günay Aksoy who was the architect of the Project and who took care of everything including fund raising, choice of language school and accomodation, volunteer and mentor programs and cultural activities; TPF for organizing fund transfers and various activities, Delta Airlines for being the flight sponsor; Esra Solak who miraculously arranged the flight of girls a day after the chaos of July 15th; Zehra Kavame for helping with the interviews and selection of girls , and all volunteers who spent their valuable time with the girls. We are also grateful to all sponsors who made it happen with their donations.

Hamdi Ulukaya (on facebook ):

I met six amazing young women today. They’re visiting New York from universities in Turkey as part of Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women. Their energy was incredible, and they are so smart and talented.

They all said they owed so much to their mothers, like me. One said her mother was the light that guides her through all sorts of challenges in life.

Young people are our future, and meeting them today gave me so much hope. Thank you Gunay Aksoy and Turkish Philanthropy Funds for the chance to meet these amazing women.

A volunteer: Gülşad Küçük

“ I’ve met real heros and people with huge hearts during the Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women. I thank all my friends who supported this Project. “



From the girls:

“Before I went to New York, I believed I could  exist only in Turkey. Now I feel doors may be open for me anywhere in the World.”

“I never thought such a crowded city could be so quiet. People always greet each other, respect each other and are so positive..”
