Children are very happy at Dila’s Center.

children-are-very-happy-at-dilas-center ‘Just a diploma is not enough, we must improve their abilities also’

‘Just a diploma is not enough, we must improve their abilities also’

ÇYDD (Association for Supporting Contemporary Life) celebrated the 8th aniversary of the Dila Kurt Education Center and Dila’s birthday in Kısıklı, Üsükadar. When Dila Kurt said goodbye to life at the age of 19 her family donated the building for the Kısıklı Education Center to Çağdaş Yaşam in her name.

Children are very happy at Dila’s Center.

At the Dila Kurt Education Center 800 children and 450 adults have been educated up to date. In the 8 years since the center’s opening, with the support of 120 volunteers, aproximately 800 children between the ages 7-17 and 450 adults passed through the center. ÇYDD President Prof. Çelikel gave a speech at the 8th year ceremony and she explained that diplomas obtained from schools are not sufficient. The children need to acquire additional abilities and attributes.  She said that the 26 education centers of ÇYDD provide this service and that they cater to the needs of mothers and children. The day’s program continued with a show of rhythm, ballet, theater, piano recital, modern dance and a guitar performance.

Cumhuriyet Newspaper / February 4, 2019
