ÇYDD Türkan Saylan Remembrance Forest

cydd-turkan-saylan-remembrance-forest We are starting the ÇYDD Türkan Saylan Remembrance Forest Project on a terrain near the Sivas - Ankara highway. The Sivas forest will have 2000 saplings in all.

The ÇYDD Vice - President Adv. Sedat Durna, ÇYDD Sivas Branch President Munise Amca and the executive committee members, ÇYDD Göktürk Branch President Gülümser Şimşek and former Kayseri Representative Adv. Niyazi Ünalmış, together with a group of our members and volunteers started the project by planting the first 50 saplings.

We are all experiencing the indescribable happiness of creating a forest that will keep alive the name of our Türkan Hoca (teacher) in Sivas and actualizing this with the help of nature by planting 2000 saplings by December 20.  
