ÇYDD's 16th Cultural center in Torbalı

cydds-16th-cultural-center-in-torbali 16th ÇYDD Cultural and Education Center was opened in İzmir Torbalı thanks to the donation of revenue of the book "Er Mektubu Görülmüştür"

Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (ÇYDD), opened its 16th Cultural and Education Center in Torbalı, İzmir.  Çağdaş Yaşam Lawyer Şule Nazlıoğlu Cultural and Education Center opening was attended by journalist-writer Yılmaz Özdil and a group of soldiers who were victims of the Balyoz (Sledgehammer) Case. In his opening speech Yılmaz Özdil said ” To support  Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği  is a duty of every citizen. ”

Çağdaş Yaşam Avukatı Şule Nazlıoğlu Cultural and Education Center was opened with the revenue donation of Yılmaz Özdil’s book published by Kırmızı Kedi Bookstore .The book was a compilation of letters sent by the public to Turkish military officials imprisoned during the course of the Balyoz Case.

The center will organize school support programs for elementary-high school students which will be run by volunteer teachers and university students. The center will also run cultural and arts&crafts programs, summer schools, book reading activities and seminars both for students and women. In her speech ÇYDD President Aysel Çelikel said “What do we do to have better tomorrows? We can do good deeds every day. We will stand together and we will respect each other. Dedication and love for our republic will help us succeed. We will not be afraid to stand against religionized education and politics. Freedoms gained once may not last forever; every generation should win its own freedom.”


The computer room will be used for ÇYDD’s new project “KODLAMACA/computer coding” .In this project, children  7-12 years old will learn about computer coding with a fun program taught by trained volunteer instructors. The project will help children acquire analytical thinking. Applications for the new school year courses have already started to come in.

 Çağdaş Yaşam Lawyer Şule Nazlıoğlu Cultural center has a seminar and conference room for 50 people, a computer room, space for women workshops, a multipurpose space in the library and a small administrative office. Theater, folk dance, drama, rhythm, yoga, arts & crafts for children and adults and lessons to support school work will be held in the center. Adult seminars will be held on contemporary subjects such as women’s rights, civil law, communication with children and youth and violence in the family.

