Dear friends of ÇYDD

dear-friends-of-cydd We are looking forward to running for our “I Have a Daughter in Anatolia” project at the Vodafone 40th Istanbul Marathon on Sunday November 11th.

We are looking forward to running for our “I Have a Daughter in Anatolia” project at the Vodafone 40th Istanbul Marathon on Sunday November 11th.

Dear friends of ÇYDD,

We are counting down the days to our “do good” run.

We are preparing to run at the Vodafone 40th Istanbul Marathon for our “I Have a Daughter in Anatolia” project.

There are close to 2 million girls who are of  elementary and middle school ages that cannot attend school due to lack of equal opportunity. They are awaiting our support to realize their dreams. You too can run at the 40th Vodafone Istanbul Marathon or donate to the campaigns of the runners to help us create scholarships for our daughters in Anatolia.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve run or not before.  Statistics indicate that only 70\% of those who run for charity have run previously.  Your age is of no consequence either.  Until today 25, 000 people between the ages of 10 to 70 have run in Turkey collecting 37 million liras for various associations and foundations.  Even if you don’t join the run, you can always give to the campaigns of the runners.

We believe in you, our volunteers, to help us bring better tomorrows to our girls and to make their education dreams come true.  The last day to register for the run is September 30, 2018.  After you register for the run, please also register at the “Do Good Run (IPK- İyilik Peşinde Koş)” Platform website . As of October 1 you can chose the ÇYDD project to prepare your own campaign or you can support others who will run for the project.

For any questions you can write to

 Let’s run for our daughters in Anatolia and make each step a step of hope.
