Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women

educ8-empowerment-program-for-young-women The Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women which was held in New York in 2015 and 2016 summers, was held in London this year.

3rd year in Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women

The Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women which was held in New York in 2015 and 2016 summers, was held in London this year. Eda (Middle Eastern Technical University English Teaching Faculty), Esra (Yıldız Technical University Civil engineering), Pınar (İstanbul Technical University Architecture Faculty ) and Rozalin ( Marmara University Law Faculty) completed a month of English immersion and cultural program and returned home.

The four successful girls had a full program in London. They attended the language school LSI for 6 hours a day. But the more important part of the program was the after school hours which they spent with volunteers practicing their English and exploring London. Each girl was also assigned a volunteer mentor working in their own field and they had a chance to learn and inquire about their future careers. They also had a chance to further use their English by attending after school activities with their classmates from different countries..

They explored London walking and using their monthly transport cards; admired art works in Tate Modern and Victoria&Albert  Museums. They visited the immense British Museum very close to their school many times and were enchanted with the Natural History and Science Museums. They had tickets to a BBC Prom classical Concert in Royal Albert Hall and to another classical night in St.Martin-in-the-Fields. They enjoyed the Gershwin musical “An American in Paris” and the “Limits”  performance by Circus Cirkör about the refugee problem in South Bank Hall  .

Eda met her mentor at the British Library; Rozalin visited two different law firms and spent valuable time with her mentor; Esra and Pınar went through London with their architect mentor and discussed important London buildings. Their visit to the new Google offices was an important chance to see a contemporary office and observe a modern work environment.

One weekend they joined a school trip to Cambridge to visit the colleges and enjoy punting. Another weekend they went to Greenwich to walk over the “0” meridian and yet on another weekend walked by the London canals and markets.

We thank Günay Aksoy who was the architect of the Project and who supported the project from New York, our sponsor from Istanbul Oya Kavame who made it possible with her substantial contribution, Zehra Kavame who helped with the interviews and selection, Defne Ebeoğlu who designed the London schedule, guided and mentored girls in London, all supporters who made it happen with their donations and volunteers who spent their valuable time with the girls.
