Educ8 Program

educ8-program This summer Educ8 Program sent four university girls to London once again.

This summer Educ8 Program sent four university girls to London once again.

Educ8 – Empowering Young Women Program has reached its 4th Year

The Educ8 Program took place in New York during the summers of 2015 and 2016.  In the summer of 2017 the program was carried out in London.   This summer again, four university student girls went to London with the Educ8 Program.  Derya (studying law at Marmara University), Elif (studying Industrial Engineering at Yıldız Tecnical University), Gülay (studying Architecture in English at Yıldız Technical University) and Fethiye (studying Medicine in English at Marmara University) completed a four week language and culture trip to London and returned to Turkey in August 2018.

Our four successful girls attended a language school 6 hours a day during the week. More importantly, they were given a chance to practice their English as they toured London with various volunteers.  In addition, each girl had one or more mentors to whom they could ask questions and learn things on the subjects of their future careers.  The girls joined various programs with their class-mates from different countries during their free times and further practiced their English.


The girls discovered London using monthly transit passes or by walking. They visited Victoria and Albert Museum, Natural History Museum and Tate Modern; they visited the British Museum which happened to be near their school numerous times.  They experienced the cultural life of London by attending a BBC Prom classical music concert at the Royal Albert Hall, saw the Lion King musical and enjoyed a modern version of the opera Carmen.

Derya visited two law offices while Elif met with two of her mentors, one from the finance sector and the other a director at Facebook. Gülay examined some of the important buildings of London with her architect mentors. The medical student Fethiye met two British doctors and had the chance to visit a health establishment.  The Facebook and Google offices they all visited gave them an idea on what a modern office and work environment can be like.

On the weekends the girls took trips to the university town of Cambridge and the coastal town of Brighton. While discovering London, one day as they were coming out of the theater they got autographs from Ian McKellen who played Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings.  Another day they went to Platform 9 ¾ of the Hogwarts Express. Acting in a Halloween film in their English class was a brand new experience for them. 

We thank everybody in New York, London, Turkey and wherever they may be in the world, who gave their time and made contributions to the Educ8 Program. empowerment program

Instagram: educ8program

