Nature takes its revenge

nature-takes-its-revenge “We’d regret nature’s revenge” was the message in CYYD’s panel themed ‘Kanal Istanbul, the mad project’


CYDD Headquarters Environmental Comittee organized a panel themed “Kanal Istanbul Realities” 

CYDD chairman Aysel Celikel said “We should not probe nature too much or it shall seek its revenge. We’d regret it”.

CYDD chairman Prof. Dr Aysel Çelikel, Architects Chamber Advisory Committee Secretary Architect Mücella Yapıcı, Cumhuriyet newspaper journalist Orhan Bursalı, and Prof. Dr. Zerrin Bayraktar were among the panelists.

In her opening speech CYDD chairman Prof. Dr Aysel Çelikel said that they were not knowledgeable of the subject and went on to say “Let us not probe nature. Otherwise it shall seek its revenge heavily. We’d regret it”


“Istanbul or the channel”

Prof. Dr. Zerrin Bayraktar pointed out that the channel would affect not only Marmara but the Black Sea as well.  “Terrestrial based systems and biosystems will end in areas near the channel. It will cause ecological destruction.”


Architect Mücella Yapıcı suggested that the project was withheld from the public and said “As TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) our duty is comment, evaluate and advise the public on the subject. In 2014 there were environmental impact reports that were finalized without our knowledge. They suggest that they sought opinions of universities, yet, they only seek the opinion of a few universities and professors. If they do not like the input, they blanket the reports.”

Cumhuriyet journalist Orhan Bursalı went on to say “If we do not have dreams for Istanbul, someone else will build their dreams. We need to expand our dreams to the public, we have betrayed Istanbul. They are going on with ‘Kanal Istanbul’ project. No tanker would normally take that route. It is characteristic of the government , they asked nobody, yet they had said that they would consider the public opinion. Water sources, the lungs of the people, are nobody’s concern. Their concern is how to maximize the revenue machines. They are attempting to stimulate the economy with shopping centers. Construction sites in Istanbul have increased by 50\% and industry has regressed from 35\% to 15\%. Due to lack of business people resort to unwholesome ways. We rank 10th in the world murder rankings ”

İSTANBUL / Cumhuriyet

Photography : Nasuh Bektaş
