Press Release and Panel

press-release-and-panel Secular and Scientific Education Platform Press Release and Panel




10.30 - 11.00 Registration

11.00 - 11.15 Opening speech: Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel / Association for the Support of Contemporary Living-Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (ÇYDD)

11.15 - 11.30 Press Release: Prof. Dr. Necla Arat / Association for Women Studies -Kadın Araştırmaları Derneği  (KAD)

11. 30 - 13.30 Panel


Moderator: Av. Nazan Moroğlu / İstanbul Women’s Institutes Union-Kadın Kuruluşları Birliği (İKKB)

 Results of the 4+4+4 System: Nazım Mutlu /National Education Association -Ulusal Eğitim Derneği (UED)

 A General View of Ministry of Education’s (MEB) new Syllabus: Mehmet Balık / Syndicat for Education and Science -Eğitim ve Bilim İşgörenleri  Sendikası ( EĞİTİM-İŞ)

  The Ministry of National Education’ s (MEB)  New Syllabus Program Draft : Kâmuran Karaca / Syndicat of Educational and Scientific  Labor-Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikası (EĞİTİM SEN)

 Syllabus and Religion Courses: Prof. Dr. Dilek Gözütok / Association of the Women of the Republic -Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği (CKD)

 Transition from Primary to Secondary Education Exams (TEOG) and Religious Vocational Schools (İmam Hatip High schools): Ömer Yılmaz- Begüm Doğan/ Association of Students’ Parents -Öğrenci Veli Derneği (Veli-Der)

 “Project  Schools” High school Project of AKP Government: Canan Kuralay / Project schools Initiative

 Turkish Education Foundation Legislation: Prof. Dr. Güler Yalçın / Association for the Research on Village Institutes and Improvement of Education -Köy Enstitülerini Araştırma ve Eğitimi Geliştirme Derneği (KAVEG)


Moderator: Gülsün Kaya / Association for the Support of Contemporary Living -Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (ÇYDD)

 National, International Exam Results and Quality in Education: Prof. Dr. Kemal Kocabaş / -Association of New Generation Village Institutes Yeni Kuşak Köy Enstitülüler Derneği (YKKED)

 Religionization by Etatism : Kâmuran Karaca / Syndicat of Educational and Scientific  Labor- Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikası (EĞİTİM SEN)

 Preschool Education: Mehmet Balık / Syndicat for Education and Science- Eğitim ve Bilim İşgörenleri Sendikası (EĞİTİM-İŞ)

 Textbooks and Books Distributed in Schools : Prof. Dr. Dilek Gözütok / Association of the Women of the Republic- Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği (CKD)

 School Ceremonies: Selçuk İşcan / Association of Musical Educators -Müzik Eğitimcileri Derneği (MÜZED)

 Dormitories and Hostels: Yasemin Zeytinoğlu /Association of Social Rights Sosyal Haklar Derneği

 What do parents want ? Metin Erdoğdu / Association of Students’ Parents- Öğrenci Veli Derneği (Veli-der)

Press Release and Panel

Secular and Scientific Education Platform Press Release and Panel


10.30 - 11.00 Registration

11.00 - 11.15 Opening speech: Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel / Association for the Support of Contemporary Living-Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (ÇYDD)

11.15 - 11.30 Press Release: Prof. Dr. Necla Arat / Association for Women Studies -Kadın Araştırmaları Derneği  (KAD)

11. 30 - 13.30 Panel


Moderator: Av. Nazan Moroğlu / İstanbul Women’s Institutes Union-Kadın Kuruluşları Birliği (İKKB)

 Results of the 4+4+4 System: Nazım Mutlu /National Education Association -Ulusal Eğitim Derneği (UED)

 A General View of Ministry of Education’s (MEB) new Syllabus: Mehmet Balık / Syndicat for Education and Science -Eğitim ve Bilim İşgörenleri  Sendikası ( EĞİTİM-İŞ)

  The Ministry of National Education’ s (MEB)  New Syllabus Program Draft : Kâmuran Karaca / Syndicat of Educational and Scientific  Labor-Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikası (EĞİTİM SEN)

 Syllabus and Religion Courses: Prof. Dr. Dilek Gözütok / Association of the Women of the Republic -Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği (CKD)

 Transition from Primary to Secondary Education Exams (TEOG) and Religious Vocational Schools (İmam Hatip High schools): Ömer Yılmaz- Begüm Doğan/ Association of Students’ Parents -Öğrenci Veli Derneği (Veli-Der)

 “Project  Schools” High school Project of AKP Government: Canan Kuralay / Project schools Initiative

 Turkish Education Foundation Legislation: Prof. Dr. Güler Yalçın / Association for the Research on Village Institutes and Improvement of Education -Köy Enstitülerini Araştırma ve Eğitimi Geliştirme Derneği (KAVEG)


Moderator: Gülsün Kaya / Association for the Support of Contemporary Living -Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (ÇYDD)

 National, International Exam Results and Quality in Education: Prof. Dr. Kemal Kocabaş / -Association of New Generation Village Institutes Yeni Kuşak Köy Enstitülüler Derneği (YKKED)

 Religionization by Etatism : Kâmuran Karaca / Syndicat of Educational and Scientific  Labor- Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikası (EĞİTİM SEN)

 Preschool Education: Mehmet Balık / Syndicat for Education and Science- Eğitim ve Bilim İşgörenleri Sendikası (EĞİTİM-İŞ)

 Textbooks and Books Distributed in Schools : Prof. Dr. Dilek Gözütok / Association of the Women of the Republic- Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği (CKD)

 School Ceremonies: Selçuk İşcan / Association of Musical Educators -Müzik Eğitimcileri Derneği (MÜZED)

 Dormitories and Hostels: Yasemin Zeytinoğlu /Association of Social Rights Sosyal Haklar Derneği

 What do parents want ? Metin Erdoğdu / Association of Students’ Parents- Öğrenci Veli Derneği (Veli-der)
