Revenue of the exhibition will go to ÇYDD students

revenue-of-the-exhibition-will-go-to-cydd-students Artist Füsun Erkan from İzmit who has been painting for the past 10 years opened her personal art exhibition “ My instincts” consisting of 61 paintings on December 12.

Revenue of the exhibition will go to ÇYDD students

Artist Füsun Erkan from İzmit who has been painting for the past 10 years opened her personal art exhibition “ My instincts” consisting of 61 paintings on December 12.

Artist Füsun Erkan who started her painting  studies in 2007 with her painter friend Elif Şengül, opened her  painting exhibition “ My instincts”  on December 12 in the Cumhuriyet Park Art Gallery in İzmit. The opening  of the exhibition  was attended by ÇYDD Kocaeli Branch President Merve Dönmez and board members, KYÖD (Kocaeli Association of Higher Education )President Mehmet Toker  and numerous art-lovers.

Füsun Erkan, will donate the revenue of her exhibition to ÇYDD to be used for scholarships.




She was born in 1955 in İzmit and graduated from mathematics division of Ankara Gazi Eğitim Institute. She retired from her banking post after 20 years of service. She started painting with Elif Şengül  and studied with Nalan Kumlalı during  2010-2012  and  with Kader Aktü in 2012.Presently she continues to work in Kader Aktü Art Studio.
