Secular and Scientific Education Panel

secular-and-scientific-education-panel “Secular and Scientific Education Panel” was held on March 4, 2017 at the Şükran Güngör Theater with the participation of ÇYDD Aydın Branch, New Generation Village Institutes Association Aydın Branch and Syndicat for Education Aydın Branch.

 “Secular and Scientific Education Panel” was held on March 4, 2017 at the Şükran Güngör Theater  with the participation of ÇYDD Aydın Branch, New Generation Village Institutes Association Aydın Branch and Syndicat for Education Aydın Branch.

Speakers for the panel,  ÇYDD Vice-President Gülsün Kaya,  Adnan Menderes University former Dean of Education Prof. Dr. Adil Türkoğlu, historian and writer Aytekin Sözen and New Generation Village Institutes Association President Prof. Dr. Kemal  Kocabaş  talked about formation process of education with examples from the world and our country ,the secularization of education in Turkey and the present situation of education.

The questions from participating citizens were answered and the panel ended with the presentation of “thank you plaques” to the speakers.

We thank all participants who are with us in our struggle for secular and scientific education and who showed that we are and will be stronger in unison.
