Success Stories from CYDD: 1

success-stories-from-cydd-1 Buse's compassion turned into hats and scarves for children

Buse Karakoç is a former ÇYDD scholarship student. The project Buse started on her own, out of her love for children and her country, drew the interest of many; her compassion became hats and scarves for children from 11 village schools and 2 ÇYDD Educational Centers.

People from all over Turkey who heard about the project sent scarves and hats. Buse classified them according to the age of children, made gift packages and added chocolate. Buse says she started this project because” She wanted children to feel they are loved; that what we really need is a little bit more love!”

We congratulate Buse sincerely..


Schools the hats and scarves were sent:

Siirt Gözlüce Elementary School

Siirt Yamaçlı Halenze Elementary School

İzmit Balören Elementary School

İzmit Bayraktar Elementary School

Van Gürpınar Yatağan Village School

Batman Taşlıdere Doğancık Elementary School

Batman-Kozluk Çamlıca Elementary School

Antep-Serintepe Elementary School

Kilis-Ömeroğlu Elementary School

Muş-Kırköy Elementary School

Ağrı-M.Hüsnü Özyeğin Elementary School

ÇYDD-Çanakkale Dila Kurt Educational Center

ÇYDD-İzmit Öğretmen Mualla Eke Educational Center
