the-republic-and-secularism ÇYDD ‘s book titled THE REPUBLIC AND SECULARISM is published

The editor of the book Prof. Dr. Nergis Mütevellioğlu also explains the purpose of
the book in her introduction:
Why do we vehemently defend and should defend secularism? This book
provides answers to these questions with the contributions from Prof. Dr. Aysel
Çelikel, Prof. Dr. Emre Kongar, Prof. Dr. Korkut Boratav, Prof. Dr. Taner Timur,
Prof. Dr. Özer Ozankaya, Prof. Dr. Birsen Gökçe, Doç. Dr. Ahmet Yıldız, Prof. Dr.
Gamze Y. Özdemir, Prof. Dr. Harun Tepe, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kaboğlu, Prof. Dr.
Nergis Mütevellioğlu, Prof. Dr. Nurettin Abacıoğlu, Dr. Murat Katoğlu and the
Cumhuriyet Newspaper columnist Zülal Kalkandelen.
Secularism is analysed by the writers through historical, legal, philosophical,
sociological, socio-cultural and socio-political perspectives. They look into the
intrinsic relationships between secularist state and secularist society, ideals of
equality and freedom, democracy and human rights, social state and state of law;
examine education and health rights and how the features of social safety nets
for those living in poverty are eroding the principle of secularism which then
hinders progress.
May our book reach many readers and may it bring productive contributions to
defending secularism.
