Trabzon Branch celebrated its 25th anniversary

trabzon-branch-celebrated-its-25th-anniversary ÇYDD-The Association for Supporting Contemporary Life’s Trabzon Branch celebrated its 25th anniversary

ÇYDD-The Association for Supporting Contemporary Life’s Trabzon Branch celebrated its 25th anniversary

ÇYDD-The Association for Supporting Contemporary Life’s Trabzon Branch celebrated its 25th anniversary with a Book and Cultural Fair in memory of Journalist Ömer Güner The event took place between November 28-December 2, 2018 and it was held at the Zorlu Grand Hotel.  Together with the ÇYDD General Manager Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel, close to fifty writers, journalist, poets and publishers took part. The program started with a documentary about Ömer Güner and continued with book signings, interviews and photography presentations. Close to 50 thousand people visited the venue until 20:00 pm on December 2, 2018.

On the 4th day of the fair, the ÇYDD Trabzon Branch gave a celebratory dinner that brought President Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel, Vice president Gülsün Kaya, the ÇYDD members and youth together with the writers and the publishers.

Once the speeches by the ÇYDD Trabzon Branch Manager Nilgün Osmanağaoğlu and Prof. Dr. Aysel Çelikel were given, the dinner entertainment was reading of poems and regional songs and dances being performed.  When all came to an end, the guests were heartened and full of hope for good things to come. 
