“Festivities in the Village” Project

The ‘Festivities in the Village’ is a ÇYDD project that aims to bring the community services of
the bigger cities to rural areas, villages and suburban populations that lack support in
educational and social activities.

Training is provided by experts in the fields of health, environment, legal matters and modern
production in order to increase sensitivity and awareness of the local people on these subjects.
To identify the villages and the districts that need the most support and to create measurable
benefits is sought after with this project. Activities are held to guide university students to work
within the community, to help the youth and the village/district locals to communicate better and
to make role models of university students for the children in the village schools. Various
activities are also organized in the village schools with the participation of local villagers to
motivate students and their families for education.

When a village is chosen after a suitability study, university students make a division of labor
among themselves to introduce and lead the project and they provide training for five days. In a
very sustainable manner, communication with the village/district and additional training is
continued even after the completion of the planned work.